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Monday, December 23, 2013

Birthday Pictures

Sorry I overloaded everyone's feed tonight. I am in heaven. No school and three days off from work means that I can take & edit pictures all day long....

On Sunday Cameron and I skipped out on the third hour of church (cut me some slack...it was my 21st birthday, I had to be somewhat rebellious). Instead, we drove to wheeler farm and hiked into the snowy forest for a few family pictures. Cameron got me a tripod for my big day. (I had a tripod once, but it fell over one day with my camera on it and it lost all my trust....so this is a slowly learning to trust deal).

Anyways...we set the self timer on the camera and I ran into each shot. It was super fun. It started getting really snowy, and the pictures got super foggy. I was worried about getting everything all wet so we went back home, but, for the little time we were there, I think we got some fun shots :)

ps....I have a strange feeling santa is bringing me a camera remote for christmas, so hopefully cameron and I can have more of these impromptu mini sessions together :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Stockton the cat

Since the day we got engaged I begged cameron to let me get a kitten when we were married. He continually told me "no." Then one day, after we had been married, he told me "yes." We rushed to the humane society and picked out the last male kitten they had. They had a play with him in an isolated room (to make sure we'd all get along). We signed some paper work, paid way too much to adopt him, and then drove home. For some reason (I can't remember why now) cam & I had taken separate cars. Stockton rode home with me. He was meowing so much I felt bad and could hardly stand it. So, at the next red light, I opened his little cat carrier and let him out. He explored the car and then rode on my lap the rest of the way home.

He has been the best cat. He is so loving and fun. He has the funniest little quircks and meows SO LOUD when either cameron or myself come home from work/school. He hates being left alone.

He LOVES car rides. We drive him to my parents house, gas stations, and even just to drive. He loves it.

His favorite toy is a stuffed monkey. He carries Monkey everywhere. They are the best of friends.

Cameron, in the span of six or seven months, has turned into a full blown cat man. So much so....That when we met John Stockton, Cameron's idol, about a month ago, Cameron told John that we named our cat after him. John Stockton, THE JOHN STOCKTON, looked up and cameron and said "Your cat?!" He was totally weirded out, but laughed. I went bright red and Cameron told him that in order for me (kayla) to get a cat he got to choose the name....Poor John, bet he never thought he'd have crazy cat people name their cat after him.

hard things.

my heart is completely broken. I spent friday night at the temple praying and quite honestly, crying. I am so grateful for the gospel and for the peace I find in the temple.

When I came home, cameron had come home from school. Instantly he knew something was wrong. He held me as I cried and told him what I had been told that day...and then he held me longer.

He suggested we read my patriarchal blessing. It brought peace into our home and into my heart. He is so good to me. As we were reading, I noticed the date on the blessing. December 6, 2009. The day we read it, December 6, 2013. Exactly fours years after I had received it. It means more now, than it did even then. We cried as we read it.

Sometimes in this life we have to face hard things, and not all of those are things are from our choices. Often, they are caused by the choices of those we love. My love hasn't changed, but that doesn't mean I am not completely sad and disappointed.

I will never understand how someone can walk away from so much happiness. I don't understand.

as of late.

I really wish I had more time to blog. But things are just so busy it kind of gets put on the back burner. Today, however, I'm sicker than a dog & haven't left my bed for more than five minutes at a time. So...I guess it takes me being sick to blog.

Cameron & I are in our last week of this crazy semester. I can't wait to have a couple weeks where all I have to do is work and then come home and enjoy my sweet husband. I am going to cherish the next three weeks. Cameron took 18 credits this semester. EIGHTEEN. and did fantastic in every class. He is the smartest man I know and works harder than any one I know. I took 12....Like the slacker I am. Only three semesters left (for me). Next semester cameron & I are taking a saturday morning golf class together. I'm pretty excited. We've never had a class together. EVER. I can't wait to beat him in golf every week. 

In other news, after our home recovered from the flood (that might be another post for another day) cam & I decorated our apartment. I love how excited he gets for things like this. We got a real tree (something I've never ever done) and I really love it. We used the extra bows from the tree to make the pine cone wreath and the wall thingy...

random branches on the wall
wreath by the creative cameron
christmas tree lights
see the cat ornament? It's black w/ the blue light? I accidentally broke it at the store and felt so guilty we bought it. Cameron glued it back together and it has become our favorite ornament. Good thing I broke the black cat one and not the orange cat...haha it matches our little family perfect. 
cute little tree that my parents got for cam & me
There is nothing I love more than cuddling by our fireplace with the christmas tree lights on. Pure bliss. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

That time we went on a honeymoon to Hawaii

It was like 6 months ago, but whatever. It was seriously the best vacation ever. I love my sweet husband. I am so grateful my dad put so much work into planning our trip. He completely spoiled us. 

Such a perfect week with the perfect boy. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

the balancing act

sometimes life can be crazy & busy.
right now I feel like cameron and I don't have any free time. at all.

I couldn't tell you the last time I watched TV...or blogged. ha.

we work from 8 - 4:30 and then go to school until 9, or have loads of homework. we spend our nights writing papers and reading textbooks. super romantic.

it is such a juggling act to get everything done that we need to. and then throw in our church calling, visiting/home teaching, families, car problems (that's a whole other post), and all the other life crazies.
essentially, my life is entirely busy. I am so grateful for the small moments in which I can just enjoy life.
I am grateful for the quite. for the saturdays that can be spent cuddling in the morning and making breakfast for dinner.

Also....I am grateful that I will be graduating next year at this time. peace out college. I am beyond done.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

i love

i love to create pretty things. 

this might be my favorite...ever. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Let's be > > >

i created this & i kind of love it. 

Birthday Adventures

i don't know about you...but he's feeling TWENTY TWO-oo

This past Thursday we celebrated Cameron's 22nd birthday together. We started dating when he was 18. Time sure does fly. The first birthday we celebrated together, he turned 19 and was one month from leaving, so it was bitter sweet. The next two he was gone for. Needless to say, this was the best birthday we've celebrated together.

We slept in and drove up to the canyon in the late morning. We spent the afternoon fishing and the lake and later at a small creek. Go figure we caught all of our fish at the creek. 

After a long day of fish we drove home and got dressed up. We went out to dinner at Cameron's favorite place, Out Back Steak House. It was delish.

After a little din din we went back home and opened presents. Cameron was the happiest boy alive. He definitely got spoiled. Then we had cake. I sang to him and he blew out the candles. 
I really love that it is just the two of us. That was such a special time together. 

After we had cake and relaxed I told Cameron I had a surprise for him. We packed into the car and drove to Sundance Ski Resort. We parked and boarded a shuttle. We were let off right near a ski lift. I surprised Cam with what they call a "moonlight lift."
Essentially, we rode the ski lift in the dark with only the full moon as light.

It was just as amazing and romantic as it sounds. We cuddled and snuggled. It was the highlight of the day. I HIGHLY recommend everyone check out the moonlight lift in october. They only happen during a full moon, but they are absolutely wonderful.

It was such a special day. I am so grateful I got to spend it with such a special man.

happy birthday love. here's to MANY more. I love you babes. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Gosh Dang It

I love this boy & I love being married. 

we spent the four of july weekend down in Salina Canyon at cameron's family property. 
we drove down after work on friday. by the time we got to the property it was pitch dark. we turned our headlights, and with the help of cameron's grandma, set up our tent in the dark. 
we love our tent. we have cots and lots of space (thanks mom & dad!)
by the time our tent was set up, our car battery had died. opps :) 

we woke up before the sun on saturday, 4-wheeled to the lake, and spent the morning fishing. we didn't get any bites the entire weekend, but we got to spend lots of time chatting by the lake. 

later that day we took a 4-wheel ride throughout the little valley near grandma & grandpa horrock's property. cameron took me to the tree he carved our names into for the first time. he carved our names in it on july 4, 2010. who would have guessed we'd be married three years later? I am so glad that we are. 

we had a great dinner and cuddled around the campfire. we talked about church & politics with his grandparents & parents. my two favorite topics. we made super gooey s'mores and saw a satellite in the starry sky. it was a perfect night.

the next morning we went fishing, rode 4 wheelers in the rain, and packed up to go home. it was a great weekend with the best boy. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I am so grateful to know who I am and to have the gospel in my life. I am grateful for my temple marriage and for the wonderful man I share it with.
There is so much happiness in living the gospel.

Cameron & I spoke in church last sunday. I spoke on obedience and he spoke on the priesthood. It was our introduction to the ward, and was so fun. A true miracle happened that morning. Our internet hadn't been working the entire week. I went to my parent's house to write my talk, but forgot to print it. I came home after taylorsville dayzz and realized I hadn't printed my talk. Our printer is a wi-fi printer, and without our internet was completely useless. I couldn't find the the cord to just connect it to my computer, so, at midnight, I began handwriting my talk and at 2am I gave up. I had only written a page and a half of the talk. I still had four pages left. I decided I would just wake up early, drive to herriman to print my talk, and make it on time to 9 o'clock church.

I woke up four hours later and got ready to drive to my parent's house. For some reason, I had the feeling I should try to print my talk. I got my laptop out and low and behold, my wi-fi worked for long enough to print my talk.

I sobbed. I am so grateful for miracles, even the small, silly ones.

Our talks went well. We have a wonderful ward and are very welcomed.

The stake president was visiting our ward that morning. It was so great to meet him. After hearing us speak, he invited us to talk in stake conference in the fall.

Let's hope my printer works then :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Chloe Nguyen, our fantastic wedding photographer posted some photos on Facebook from our big day. We haven't gotten them all back, but we got enough to remember what a special day that was. It was the most amazing day of my life, and our photographer was better than I could have ever imagined. She helped make our day that much better.

Seriously, if you have a wedding coming up, check her out. She was well priced and completely professional. I adore her.

bridesmaid love. 

oh, and this guy is pretty great. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Meow Meow

this is Stockton. He's our baby & we love him dearly. 

Date Night


Cam cam & went out on a little post-sick date night. Now that we live on the east side we're close to lots of new things, like Mimi's. The Mimi's in murray is literally 5 minutes away from our little home. After a little convincing we (me convincing him that it wasn't just a girl place) ended up at Mimi's for a late night dinner. We both had chicken & laughed. 

It's weird...date night is SO much better when it doesn't include a door step scene. We just go home together and snuggle on the couch.  

Marriage is the best. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Saturday Night BBQ

be-bo-bop (shandy being a robot)

we be cute

the boys & their basketball

fixing chel's car

Cam cam got a BBQ for our wedding from a sweet lady in his mission. Since it arrived he's been dying to try it. This past weekend, we finally got the chance to break it out. We invited Shand & Aust over to BBQ and have a little date night. Chel called that afternoon to see what we were up to and ended up driving all the way from provo for a hamburger (I love no school chelsea). 

The guys BBQ-ed and we chatted the night away. I love that aust and cam get along so well. It's fun to have couples friends. Who knew, out of all the boyfriends the long lost missionary would be the one to click with Austin so well. Cameron & Austin are two peas in a pod. I absolutely love that.

It never ceases to amaze me, with my friends, how we can go months without seeing or even talking to one another (with everyone at a different school and all) and yet, put us all together and it's like we've never been apart. I can't wait for all the adventures this summer has in store with all of my lovely friends. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sundays with Husband

driving to church

blurry kisses

Sundays are a wonderful day. They are the only day of the entire week that both cameron & I are off work. They are the only day that we get to spend every second together.
We love sundays.

Today was an especially great sunday.
Cam & I slept in until 10:30. I snuck away & made blue berry muffins for breakfast.
We ate muffins and cuddled. Then got ready for church.
We went to a dear friend's (Bri Hill) homecoming. I am so proud of her & her service. She is such a wonderful young lady and has so much going for her. I also got to see her parents whom I just adore. I look up to the Hill family in so many ways and am so grateful I have grown up so close to them.

After church we had dinner at cameron's dad's house. We laughed and ate great food. 

Now we're at home. Cameron is doing the dishes and we're about to cuddle & watch seinfeld.

I haven't blogged since I got married. I promise I'll post all about my wedding, honeymoon, and lovely apartment. Marrying cameron was the best decision I have ever made. He makes me happier than I could ever express. I am so happy to share a home & a life with such a wonderful man. God has blessed me with more than I deserve and I am so very grateful.

Newlywed life is great.